Risk Analysis + Assessment

Phase II:
Once we have determined your present posture towards protecting your brand from human trafficking, our team will put together a comprehensive program to present to you and your employees. This results in a customized program, specific to your the geographic location of your business.
Engaging with Law Enforcement
We also coordinate with local law enforcement at these locations, as they are the first line of defense when suspected human trafficking activities are detected by your employees. This is a critical piece of the training program, as we work hard to alleviate any concerns your employees (most likely management and security personnel) may have in contacting law enforcement and potential repercussions this might have in their employees' immigration status.
Customized Training
At the end, we provide an all-inclusive, tailored training and certification program that combines your company’s internal guidance with local law enforcement and our subject matter expertise on human trafficking and best practices to spot and report potential activities.